How to Save Time with Project Templates.

Do you use the same settings for things like primary material and default banding in most of your projects? Save time and reduce the chance of mistakes by creating templates that make it easy to select those settings when you start a new project. Here's how:

  1. Start a new CutList Plus fx project (File>New), but don't add any parts to it.
  2. Go to Settings>Project... and make your selections that will be part of the template. (Primary material, default banding, optimization, etc.)
  3. Save the empty project with a descriptive (though unimaginative) name. Something like "project template" will do nicely.

Now that your template has been created, next time you're ready to start a project, open the template file and immediately do a File>Save As... before you begin adding parts. All your settings will be there waiting for you.

If you want to get ambitious, you can also add things like a list of Sub-Assembly names to the template file, and create different templates for different situations. Just give each template file a name that will tell you what it's for.